Since our inception, Empowering Possibilities Unlimited has accomplished many goals and continues to reach higher for the future - the future of your students and your community! These results include the design and administration of the following:
A successful Supplemental Education Service program (SES) with large groups of students which helped five schools exit Program Improvement status by meeting state and federal proficiency rates for two consecutive years. These Sacramento area schools include: Edward Kemble Elementary, Kit Carson Middle School, Marian Anderson Elementary, John Sloat Elementary, and Tahoe Elementary.
Health and nutrition programs which helped decrease the participant groups overall Body Mass Index by 2.0% or higher for three consecutive years.
A successful Summer Bridge Program model for 125 students at McClatchy High School.
An effective 10 week Linked Learning Program, where over 1500 students designed an individual success plan for their futures.
Awards and Recognition:
National 2015 Clinton Foundation Out of School Time Healthier Generation Hero Award Winner
2016 Statewide California Department of Education Distinguished After School Health (DASH) Recognition
2016 Sierra Health Foundation Leadership Fellow
January 2017, Legacy Award (Presented to Executive Director by Assemblyman Jim Cooper)
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle